We are honored to be partnering with Orange County Sheriff’s Department’s new Housing Unit for Military Veterans (HUMV) at the Theo Lacy jail facility. The HUMV program will help incarcerated veterans develop a career path and reduce their chances in returning to jail. Which is truly wonderful news our local veterans and the well-being of community!
As a community partner, Working Wardrobes will be providing career training and workforce readiness workshops for the HUMV program. This new facility opened on the 2nd of January this year and is equipped with 32 beds, multiple game tables, and 55-inch televisions. To honor all branches of the military the walls are decorated with patriotic themed murals and each branch’s flag is hung overhead.
Veteran inmates can participate in the program if they meet security criteria and agree to participate! On release, the program participants will be eligible to enroll in the Working Wardrobes VetNet program and receive ongoing career development services, as well as job placement. This entire effort is meant to give our veterans a powerful second chance, rebuild their self-esteem, reduce recidivism and build stronger economic impact for the entire community.
For more information on our veteran services and VetNet program, please email info@workingwardrobes.org