Derek’s brother was severely and permanently injured in Afghanistan when a 500-pound IED hit his convoy. Though he’d planned on 8 years in the Marine Corps, Derek selflessly cut his own service career short to be a full-time caregiver. With absolutely no income or benefits, he depleted his savings, maxed out his credit cards, and was forced to take out loans to support himself and his family.

It was 2013 and as the Veteran embarked on a search for resources, he found Working Wardrobes. Derek was provided résumé reviews, job skills assessments, and a full success suit. They also ultimately helped him get connected with T-Mobile where he became an assistant manager. He continued his upward career trajectory while concurrently earning his MBA.

Knowing that the Veteran population is chronically overlooked, Derek took it upon himself to be a part of the solution by joining the Working Wardrobes team in 2019. As Client Services Manager, Derek employs an empathetic ear and works directly with Veterans to help secure resources related to mental health, employment, housing, and general wellness. “While we may not know 100% what they’re going through, we understand that it’s important to them. We listen, identify their barriers, and help them overcome those barriers.”

Derek was one of the main orchestrators for this past April’s Power Up for Success event in which Marines and Sailors learn to transition into civilian life thanks to a full day of workshops, a job fair, experienced panelists, and our signature wardrobing service. Not only did his outreach bring in the event’s highest number of registrants but as moderator for the Veterans and industry professionals panel, he helped share a variety of personal success stories in finding meaningful, gainful employment.

How You Can Help

As we approach Memorial Day, Working Wardrobes is enlisting your support for Operation Employment. Aimed at raising $100,000, this campaign will provide career readiness services to Veterans and Servicemembers in their pursuit of self-sufficiency through gainful employment.

The Impact of Your Donations

Your impact will be felt as the Working Wardrobes team offers a comprehensive, effective range of services to help empower our Veteran and Military clients and remove the barriers to gainful employment.

  • Training and certifications
  • Career coaching
  • Individualized employment plans
  • Critical needs gift cards
  • Access to Veterans’ services
  • Our personal touch, the “Success Suit”

Thank you for supporting those who served our country. For donation inquiries, email