A Message from Jerri Rosen
Founder and CEO, Working Wardrobes
We have a very interesting lineup of articles in this edition of Inside Working Wardrobes, including our podcast interview with incredible Women with Drive members at Cox Automotive. We’ve also included details about how we’re helping the unemployed and we give you info on how we’re helping keep the planet green!

Women’s Unemployment and the Mental Health Fallout
Unemployment rates among women in Orange County have skyrocketed. Beyond financial problems, females who have left the workforce face emotional and mental problems, too. Read our latest report, and find out how we’re helping women get on their feet.

Working Wardrobes Helps the Unemployed, and the Environment
Our mission is all about getting people back to work, but we also care very much about saving the environment. Our stores sell beautiful clothing that would have made its way to landfills. Please shop at our stores, save the planet, help people get back to work, and get 30% off!