Smart Women Sarah Lacy
Sarah Lacy, Smart Women Speaker Smart Women Helping Others Smart Women is a women’s giving collective that supports the clients served by Working Wardrobes. Our keynote speaker events offer a chance to hear inspirational speakers and network with successful professional women from Southern California – all while giving back as a philanthropic leader committed to changing lives in our community. We're thrilled to announce a powerful series of Smart Women workshops called The COVID Consequences. In this three-part series of Zoom workshops, we will feature remarkable female speakers, who dive into
Southern California in Crisis
Southern California's Critical Needs in a Post-COVID Economy The pandemic wreaked havoc on our lives, our community, and our economy and we are not out of the woods yet. In fact, experts predict full economy recovery from COVID is likely years away. In the meantime, tens of thousands of residents here in Southern California are out of work or underemployed, and barely making ends meet. Sadly, our community's uniqueness is the very thing that is negatively impacting the lives of so many people here – from extremely high housing costs, to
Working Wardrobes Stand & Salute
Please Stand & Salute Deserving Veterans! As part of our unwavering mission to help veterans overcome challenges and find employment after service, Working Wardrobes is joining forces with the Orange County Community Foundation and five other local nonprofits to raise money for veterans right here in our community. You can help! Please join us on June 17, 2021 during Stand & Salute, a 24-hour giving marathon to raise funds for transitioning military, veterans, and their families. When you support the Working Wardrobes VetNet program during Stand & Salute,
Inside Working Wardrobes June 2021
A Message from Jerri Rosen Founder and CEO, Working Wardrobes Hi, everyone, and welcome to Inside Working Wardrobes! Helping veterans get back to work is a mission near and dear to our hearts. Recently, I had the distinct honor of interviewing Duane Thompson, whose invaluable support provides veterans with many of the services they need to find jobs. Watch the Interview Please Stand & Salute Deserving Veterans! There's no better way to thank veterans for their service than by helping them overcome barriers on their journey
Working Wardrobes News Briefs
News Briefs First and foremost, we'd love it if you could please support our mission by shopping at Amazon Smile ( Select "Working Wardrobes" as your charity of choice and Amazon will donate 5 percent of eligible purchases to our organization with no fees and no extra cost. Also, we are looking to refresh office supplies for our Career Success Center and would gladly accept donations for reams of copy paper, and paper products such as cups, plates, plastic ware, and paper towels. Thank you for these greatly appreciated donations!
Working Wardrobes is Hiring
We Need You! Join the Working Wardrobes team. Help the unemployed and underemployed experience the Power of a Paycheck. We are currently hiring for the following positions. Become a Career Navigator or Peer Navigator, Employment & Housing Specialist with our VetNet program. We're looking for fellow veterans who are ready to give back to the veteran community by serving as a champion for those looking to find career success. Join our Reentry to Success team as a Career Navigator. You'll serve as a guide to our justice-involved population looking to find the
The Southern California Outlook: Jobs and the Economy
Post-Pandemic Outlook: SoCal Jobs and the Economy As Orange County's foremost career development nonprofit, Working Wardrobes actively monitors the economy, the current job market, and hiring trends to keep our community up-to-date on the latest news. Below are some noteworthy data points and opinions we wanted to share. Southern California News Despite the stabilization of the pandemic, vaccination accessibility, and the reopening of businesses, our community has a long way to go to fully recover. Southern California is currently down 753,900 workers compared to pre-COVID employment1. Experts anticipate
Sheri’s Journey to a Job
Sheri's Journey to a Job Each day, Working Wardrobes helps people on their journeys to the Power of a Paycheck. This is the heart of our mission and the passion of our work. Our Career Success Institute provides a wide array of specialized workforce readiness services to clients and we have partnered with an incredible group of volunteers, known as Career Coaches, to help our clients traverse the path to career success. Some journeys are more difficult than others, but we are always here to help, no matter the obstacle. Our client,