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Please SAY YES! to clients like Patrick.
Patrick Tillich is a decorated U.S. Army Veteran who served in Operations Desert Shield and Storm before his honorable discharge in 1993. What came next was a years-long battle with addiction, in-and-out rehabilitation stints, and habitual homelessness. He was absent from his young daughter’s life. He felt like a “societal outcast.”
In 2006, he walked out of rehab once more, but four simple words from his daughter turned him around. “I love you, Daddy,” she said.
Patrick immediately entered a rehabilitation program for homeless Veterans.
From there, he was referred to the Working Wardrobes VetNet program, a safety net for veterans to help them find meaningful employment and live happy, healthy, productive lives after service.
Patrick received the tools and support he needed to get clean, get an education, get a job, and get his daughter back. Today, he is 15 years sober and Lead Project Estimator for a construction industry-related company. He has stumbled a time or two since finding VetNet, but hard work and determination has led him to a happy life.
He shared his advice for other Working Wardrobes clients.
“Their services are great, but you must be proactive, keep following up, and do the work,” Patrick said. “Success takes time and you don’t reap the rewards overnight. You have the power to change your life. I did it, and so can you.”
Patrick, your story moves us all. Thank you for your service and for being an inspiration to others!