Workshops That Get People Back to Work
My name is Ashley Vlcan, and as the Director of Client Services for Working Wardrobes, I have the distinct honor of helping develop high-impact career workshops so people can find jobs in these very challenging times.
All of our workshops are virtual and cover a wide range of career development topics, including technology training, job search and networking skills, employment research strategies, personal growth advice, financial know-how and more.
It has been absolutely amazing for me to witness hundreds of people from across Southern California – and around the nation, for that matter – participate in our workshops and walk away with actionable skills they can apply to both their personal and professional lives.
Our primary goal is to provide people with all the workforce readiness services they need for long term career success. Our mission has never been more important given the staggering unemployment rates in the wake of the pandemic.
In 2020, at the height of COVID, we conducted 78 workshops with an average of 30 people in attendance for each. Nearly 1,500 people responded to participate, with 38 career experts lending their support to impart expertise and advice to help people find jobs. In fact, a previous Working Wardrobes client conducted a very powerful workshop to help people overcome mental barriers to succeed in their job searches. It was wonderful to see a prior client paying it forward to help others. We continue to provide in-depth workshops today!
If you are a job seeker, or if you’re interested in fine tuning your career skills, I invite you to attend our free online workshops. For a schedule of our upcoming sessions, and to submit your registration, visit https://www.workingwardrobes.org/rebuilding-careers/.
I look forward to seeing you!
Best regards,
Ashley Vlcan
Director of Client Services
Working Wardrobes